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Owning a Rolex isn't nearly as cool if you don't own your time.
Join 161,000+ people who get 1 proven method every Monday for a quiet mind + a rich life.

You'll get 1 proven life hack via email every Monday. (And a PDF of my Free Workbook: The Rich List!)
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About Me

I’m Jade— Founder of The Quiet Rich.

Most people think being “rich” means having flashy watches and superyachts. But wealth is much quieter than that. The true luxuries in life are:



A Quiet Mind

Slow Mornings

The Ability To Travel

A House Full Of Love

If you woke up with even half of those today, you're rich.

Agree? Then you’ll love The Quiet Rich. I send a free email every week with actionable tips to get “rich” in much more than just money. Add yourself now to get 1 bite-sized note from me on Mondays.

What is The Quiet Rich

6 Habits of The Quiet Rich:

The "new rich" is quiet— not flashy.


They don’t want mainstream fame. In a world of constant sharing and status-seeking, The Quiet Rich value privacy as the ultimate luxury. You’ve never heard of some of the most successful people (because they want it that way). They’re world-class experts in a very specific niche.


They don’t buy flashy things. They’d rather be rich in experiences. The Quiet Rich spend their money on: things that give more free time (outsourcing), things that improve their health, investments that grow their wealth, causes they care about, or experiences (that create priceless memories)

Time Freedom

Ever notice that some people who are rich in money are actually very “poor” in time? Not The Quiet Rich. They don't work 24/7 in a job they dislike. They build careers that give them “time freedom”— the ability to say yes (or no) to anything at a moment’s notice.


They don’t think “more” is always better. On the contrary, they believe less is more. (Fewer phone notifications, a small tribe of close friends, a closet of only their favorite clothes, fewer obligations.) Fewer things = they all have more meaning.

Quiet Confidence

The Quiet Rich don’t brag about their wins. They aren’t interested in playing status games for attention. Because they have no need to prove themselves to others. (That’s the result of a lot of self-awareness.)

A Calm Mind

Many of our minds are cluttered self-doubt, anxiety, what-if’s and regrets. The Quiet Rich usually have a mindfulness practice (e.g., intense workouts, journaling, long walks, etc.) to empty those thoughts and declutter their heads.


3 Ways I Can Help You

Let's build your rich life.

The Rich List

In the next 10 years, what are the most remarkable experiences you want to have? What does your "rich life" look like? I’ll tell you mine. Download a beautiful workbook of the 50 things I'd most regret not doing. (Plus pages to write your own list.)


Actionable tips for a quiet mind + a rich life — delivered every Monday. Don't take my word for it, though. Read reviews at the bottom of the homepage from people who get the emails.


Your personal brand has never been more important than it is right now. Ready to grow? I'll teach you the proven system that grew my audience from 1k to 600k in 2 years. Join my private coaching community (co-founded with Ben Meer.)

Join The Quiet Rich

As soon as you sign up, you'll get a welcome email from me with a link to my free workbook!

You'll instantly get a PDF of "The RIch List" — my popular 14-page workbook.
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“ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE this week. I read it to myself first, and then I tried not to cry as I read it to my husband.”
“I am very selective about my ‘influencers.’ As Tony Robbins says, "Stand guard at the gate of your mind." I only subscribe to this newsletter and Tony's. It’s all I need.”
“I had to forward today's newsletter to my entire team— it was that good!!!”
“The Quiet Rich is the only newsletter I actually read.”
“It's kinda hard to believe how much I look forward to reading this newsletter every Monday when I wake up.”
“THANK YOU FOR THIS EMAIL. It literally gave me goosebumps.”
“It’s been so refreshing coming across your newsletters. One of my favorite content creators of all time. Thank you for helping us all be more quietly rich.”
“Thank you soo, soo, soo much for the advice. Your newsletter is seriously not like the millions of others trying to give life advice.”
“Appreciate these emails so much. In the sea of content, find yours valuable & one of the easiest to read to the end.”